carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

In the work ‘The Second Hypnosis’ (part of the on-going series ‘7 Real Magic Books’), the viewer cannot help but be drawn toward, even into, the sculpture that dominates the far gallery. What is it? Walk around, what do you notice? Standing directly in front of it, what do notice or feel? This sculpture is based on a two-dimensional image of hypnotizing circles. 作品《第二次催眠》是持续创作中“7本真实存在的魔法书”系列的一个部分,这件雕塑作品占据了画廊最里面的空间,吸引着观众走向展览、甚至是雕塑本身的最深处。这是什么呢?围着它转了一圈之后,您又发现了什么?艺术家在创作这件立体雕塑时,以类似催眠漩涡的二维图形为原型。

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm

carbon fiber 碳纤维 100 x 90 x 200 cm