
2006 Interactive Installation
2006 Interactive Installation 2006 互动装置
A shower room is installed in an exhibition room.A projector on the opposite wall broadcastsXinwen Lianbo (CCTV news) that day. As theanchor of the Xinwen Lianbo says, “In a place inHangzhou, someone is found peeking otherstaking a bath. The following is a detailed report.”There is a small hole on the door in the steamyshower room through which a dim light penetrates.When the viewer walk in the exhibition room andbent down to see through the hole without noticingthat they are being shot, the opposite news isswitched to the picture in which they are looking.The audience standing from the other side ofthe screen can then see the “detailed report”in which the peeping exhibition viewer is being shot. | 房间里放有一个淋浴房,对面的墙上投影正在播放的新闻联播。新闻联播上说“在杭州某地方发现有人偷窥别人洗澡,下面请看详细报道”。淋浴房里面雾气弥漫,的门上有个小洞,透出微微的光亮,你走过去弯下腰看的时候, 对面的新闻就切换到你在看小洞的图像。但是此时此刻你是完全不知情的,只有同一时刻站在你旁边的人看得见新闻的“详细报道”。 |
Exhibition View

2006 Interactive Installation