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Two performers encounter at a crowded crossroad: one person crashes the other and damages the tofu that he carries.They argue on the street and the onlookers try to intervene. One of the video cameras is hidden inside the crowd documents the scene, while another camera overlook the happening as a surveillance camera. Two videos play simultaneously in the exhibition.
录像拍摄两个演员在一个人很多的路 口,其中一个人把另外一个人 买来的豆腐撞碎了,并且为此 事争吵,引起围观和劝架。一 台摄像机隐蔽在人群里穿梭拍 摄,一台作为监控摄像俯视拍 摄,展览时两个视频同步播放。


“Tofu” was made in 2007. My inspiration originated from Internet video or image, from which we can see a snatch of incidents though they are always not so complete and comprehensive, was shot or appeared even at the ending portion. So I would like to record a whole course of a proceeding accident in multi-angle. For example, a quarrelling in the street always attracts the passing people to surround and look on People who see this video mostly asked: “Is that a real accident!?” People who see such a complete record of an incident firstly doubt its truth. Most of my interest is about “fake video” and I focus on showing a course of events by shooting video. The video was made so complete which made it seem a little false. For most people, the judgment about a video is up to its form. It’s fun, I feel. A false content in an innocent form is worth believing? “Tofu” reflects my attention about normal citizens’ usual life, also it shows doubt of news story being real or not, and doubt of social authority.
《豆腐》是2007 年做的作品。我最初的构想是拍摄一个吵架的场景,并且有群众围观。在寻找演员与场地的过程中,我却意外发现“豆腐”这个可以引发吵架的主题,这也是因为其中的一位演员就是卖豆腐的。之后我用了2台摄像机去拍摄这个事件。我的想法是,我们通过电视或者网络上看到的突发事件往往都不是那么的完整和全面,有些都只是在快结束时候才拍到,我就想把一个偶发事件的全过程用多角度纪录的方式呈现给观者。看到这个影像作品的人问得最多的话是:“是不是真的啊!?” 这个作品一方面基于我对“伪纪录片”的思考,另一方面反观当今社会人们难辨“真”“假”新闻的困境,以及向媒体权威性提出质疑。